We specialize in treating complex conditions and restoring hope. If you're being limited by pain, incontinence, or 'old age', we are the right clinic for you.
Advanced Therapy
Spinal Mobilization
NeuroDynamic Mobilization
Myofascial/Neural Mobilization
Neuromuscular reeducation
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Mechanical Diagnosis Therapy (McKenzie)
Training in all functional deficits
Pain education
Why Entropy?
Enjoy 1 on 1 sessions with your physical therapist in a private, comfortable environment.
Sensible therapy with empowerment of the person in their own healing.
Exceptional care with experienced clinical specialists.
Remote visit options via consultation or Telehealth.
What We Treat
We treat much more than just the pelvis, we just don't ignore the pelvis when you may be having problems elsewhere in your body
Persistent/Chronic Pain
Pregnancy and Post-Partum Issues
Pelvic pain
Low back and neck pain
Dysparunia (pain with sex)
Neurological disorders
Musculoskeletal disorders/dysfunctions
Urinary Incontinence
Fecal incontinence
Post-cancer rehab
Pudendal neuralgia
Pre- and Post-prostatectomy
Male pelvic pain
Sexual dysfunction
Post-surgical Rehab
Abdominal/Bladder Pain
“If you’re in pain I’ve been where you are, I can tell you you will feel better and you don’t have to live your life this way. -Erin Jackson”