Join Adam Semciw from University of Queensland at Entropy for a discussion on the importance of our gluteals in hip function. We will have some lovely snacks and drinks, and Adam all to ourselves for 2 hours to discuss the following:
The deep hip muscles, primarily the gluteus medius and minimus, are considered to be major stabilisers of the hip joint. This dynamic role is essential for optimal joint reflexes, increasing joint stability and controlling joint forces. Atrophy or weakness of these periarticular muscles has been implicated in the development, progression, and severity of osteoarthritis of the hip and these deep hip muscles are commonly a focus of physiotherapy rehabilitation for a number of hip and lower limb conditions. The prescription of exercises for the gluteus minimus and medius is based predominantly on its presumed roles and anecdotal evidence from morphological and biomechanical studies. This presentation will feature our electromyography (EMG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research into the gluteus medius and minimus in the normal population and pathological conditions such as osteoarthritis and gluteal tendinopathy. The normal functioning of deep gluteals will be revealed and exercises to rehabilitate these muscles will be discussed. The importance of the anterior gluteus minimus as a gluteal buttress will be highlighted. Insights from our research will also be provided on the function of other deep hip muscles including quadratus femoris, iliocapsularus and adductor minimus (proximal adductor magnus).
Adam graduated as a physiotherapist in Australia from The University of Sydney in 2001, and completed his PhD at La Trobe University in 2013. In 2015, Adam joined the University of Queensland as a Research Fellow in Physiotherapy; a conjoint position with Queensland Health. Together with Dr Tania Pizzari (La Trobe University), Adam has worked towards understanding hip and lower limb muscle function in health and disease. A key outcome of Adam's PhD was the development of a novel method for investigating the function of deep gluteal muscles. The techniques he developed have won awards at National and International conferences from 2010 to 2014. The methods are now being used to investigate the function of the deep gluteal muscles in a range of pathological conditions, including greater trochanteric pain syndrome (lateral hip pain) and lower limb osteoarthritis. It is hoped that a greater understanding of muscle function in these populations will assist in the development of targeted rehabilitation programs.
Here's a little bit about what Adam has been up to.